Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is Your Dog Healthier Than You Are?

It was only a matter of time before all of the wearable devices that we are seeing on the market, started to be made specifically for our favorite furry creatures at home.  That's right, wearable technology for your pets. Now all of the data that you love to gather from yourself, can be collected from Fido.

There are a number of new products on the market that will allow you to set exercise goals, analyze the amount of sleep, and even track the location of your little guy.  For example, Whistle is an activity tracker that attaches to your dogs collar.  Essentially a Fitbit for canines, Whistle collects data on your dog 24/7 and allows you to analyze everything through an App.  You can even share the insights to your friends or your dog's friends, assuming they have Facebook, Twitter, etc.

A tech that is a bit more ambitious, going as far as to claim that they can provide insights into how your dog is feeling, what he is thinking, and what he needs, simply by attaching the Voyce dog collar.  Providing similar insights as Whistle, it will also give you guidance as to how your dog is feeling based off information from top veterinarians.  While this product is not available right now, check out the video below to see how it will work:

Now is all this getting to be too much? Do we really need all this data in order to provide our pets a happy and healthy lifestyle?  If you are interested in giving your pet exercise, would you really need to analyze all their data to make sure they are healthy or would providing exercise just be part of your existing lifestyle already.  Well I believe that one thing is for certain, that if you are taking the time to analyze yourself to make sure you are living healthier, you have no excuse for not making sure Fido is living just as healthy as you are.

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