Friday, March 14, 2014

Google Glass, not released yet, but about to be banned already.

Nowadays, everybody knows Google Glass and talks about it, and its pre-released explorer version has been sold on ebay at a price as high as $2,100 dollars.

For those of you who can't afford such a crazy price like me, here is a taste of it and let's see how it works in front of your eyes on a YouTube demo:

While people are so excited about it and bet that the future of Google Glass will be at least as successfully as the iPhone, three American citiesthink different.

Illinois, Delaware and Missouri are set to introduce bills to stop drivers from wearing Google Glass headsets while behind the wheel. Other states - including New York, New Jersey and Wyoming - are set to follow suit. The irony in this regard is that one of the most important key features that Google advertises about its Glass is actually the GPS navigation app, which puts maps right in front of driver's eyes.

Will lobbyists of Glass be able to change the government's ideas? Will Glass be the next iPhone or wound up like Microsoft Zune? You can bet, but you don't know. What I do know is that technology innovations have undoubtedly made our life more connected and entertaining, however, every morning when you wake up and find you have 50 unread messages from WhatsApp, Skype, Gmail, or when you lose your participation points in your MBA class by checking updates on Facebook and Twitter, you probably wish that your life could be simpler and less distracted.

Everything has two sides, so does the debate on wearable devices, hence it's up to companies to make the best out of it and to eliminate the negative effects.

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